Question: Benevolence

Who manages, and what are the protocols (both for budgeting and distributing), for benevolence funds?

Benevolence is defined as an act of kindness, a disposition to do good. Often referring to charity, it has become synonymous with providing financial assistance. The benevolence ministry of Calvary Boise demonstrates God’s love by providing practical assistance, comfort, and encouragement to those facing various challenges, ensuring that no one in our church family walks alone on their journey.

For years we’ve had members of our church family volunteer to serve on this team, with staff support. At this time, the team is led by Rod Carr, with pastoral oversight from Matt Cochern. The budget for each year is approved by the Elders, and our finance team—including John Meyer, Monte Eldfrick, Matt Cochern, and Corinne Conley—gives advice as needed on how to serve unique scenarios and circumstances. Ashli Fiola serves as admin for this ministry, and works with Matt to get the funds distributed.

Protocols: Anyone who comes in with a need first meets with Ashli to discuss the situation, and she will provide them with the request form as well as information on other community agencies that may also be able to help. Once the form is completed and submitted, it goes into review with the team who pray over each request and answer according to what is available, at the leading of the Holy Spirit.
