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Daily Prayer Requests

Pray for our mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, friends and women who pour into our lives every single day. God bless them, keep them and lift them on High. Pray for Divine Appointments this week ahead. Pray for peace in Jerusalem. Pray for the unity of believers. Pray for my healing and good health and healing from suicidal thoughts depression God t...

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Daily Prayer Requests

Prayers for my granddaughter. Pray that the Lord would restore her health and restore the health of her sinus cavity. Pray that my sister in law's cancer would be totally destroyed by the chemo treatments she is undergoing. Pray for all of those people who volunteer at the rescue mission, assisted living facilities, rest homes, and our church. Pray for m...

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Daily Prayer Requests

After 2 years of no communication, I get to have a conversation with John K. my prodigal friend. Praise God! Pray Calvary prayer partners that on Saturday it will be a good meeting and that God be front, center and orchestrate this day. In Jesus name I pray God will speak to me and through me. Pray for John's heart that his faith will be restored in Jesus. Thank you. G...

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Daily Prayer Requests

I need to find a new childcare facility asap. Childcare just gave notice. Please pray for me trust the Lord that it will be the hours, right location and amount I can afford. That I be in his perfect peace. I am stressing about this. I am a single mom and might have to quit my job that I have worked so hard to get where I am at. Update on my dad (major heart attac...

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Daily Prayer Requests

After our meeting with the SSI judge, nothing has been resolved. They need to send us the evidence they have, because they failed to send it to us earlier. They will be rescheduling for either June or September. Please continue to pray for the peace through this. Pray for a family that has pink eye spread like wild fire in their family of 7, which includes 7 month...

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Daily Prayer Requests

Please pray for a woman in our church family who is going through a season of change in her life. Pray for anxieties and fears and worry to be replaced with hope and faith and the peace that surpasses all. Please pray for our daughter in law's good friend who found out she has terminal cancer. Pray for the friend that if she doesn't know Jesus she finds Him now!! ...

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Daily Prayer Requests

Praise report! Update to the prayer request for the man we prayed for with the colon cancer: It was surgically removed with clear borders so it seems they got it all, AND the lymph node testing all came back negative, a big surprise to the doctor! Thank you Lord for healing him and thank you church family for praying! Please pray for my marriage. My husband keeps ...

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Daily Prayer Requests

Please heal Mama's whole body, help her eat and move better so she can not suffer with pain. Thank you for replacing her heart with a fully healthy one and for readying her to visit me again, for my birthday, while feeling much better. Please continue to heal her both physically and mentally/emotionally, giving her strength and energy. In Him, Amen. Urgent-please ...

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Daily Prayer Requests

I still need a job where I can either work from home or one that is really close to where I live because my car isn't very reliable. Please pray for the provision and that I would not be fearful. Please pray for my aunt who has had 5 surgeries now over the span of 2 weeks. She is having very bad bowel/stomach issues and the dr's cannot get things to work properly....

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Daily Prayer Requests

Please pray for a woman who had c-section to deliver her baby girl! Pray for full healing. Pray for peace in Jerusalem. Please pray for an 11 year old girl who comes from a family who treat each other so poorly and with such disrespect that she is now carrying out that same behavior towards other kids. She is verbally and mentally abusive towards kids that ha...

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