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Daily Prayer Requests

Praise God for the living space He provided for me. Prayer for a new place to live as it is time to move on. I ask God to provide a new and safe place also for His will to be done however that looks. Pray for me to have patience at work. My husband was hit by a car this week while on the job working he does flagging and a car came speeding through the constru...

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Daily Prayer Requests

I have an appointment this morning for a health screening. Please pray for a good result and that I would not be nervous. Pray that I have peace in this appointment. Thank you. Prayers for my extended family as we lost my cousin Saturday to a massive heart attack. This is the third death in this family in 7 months. None of them are believers. They have asked me to...

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Daily Prayer Requests

I have a specialist appointment. Pease pray that everything goes really well, for favor with him and that he'll refer me to the other specialists that I need references for. I need the Lords help finding a job and a place to live in Boise so I can reunite with my children. Thank you Lord for my children. I pray that they would always feel safe to come to me w...

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Daily Prayer Requests

I ask to please pray for my husband as he continues to battle his self medicating addiction habits. Please pray that he is able to find the right kind of help for him and pray for strength for our marriage to build back trust again. Thank you. Praise I was able to give the scholarship award, felt much easier with your prayers!! Praise again for my husband he had a...

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Daily Prayer Requests

Pray for our mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, friends and women who pour into our lives every single day. God bless them, keep them and lift them on High. Pray for Divine Appointments this week ahead. Pray for peace in Jerusalem. Pray for the unity of believers. Pray for my healing and good health and healing from suicidal thoughts depression God t...

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Daily Prayer Requests

Prayers for my granddaughter. Pray that the Lord would restore her health and restore the health of her sinus cavity. Pray that my sister in law's cancer would be totally destroyed by the chemo treatments she is undergoing. Pray for all of those people who volunteer at the rescue mission, assisted living facilities, rest homes, and our church. Pray for m...

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Daily Prayer Requests

After 2 years of no communication, I get to have a conversation with John K. my prodigal friend. Praise God! Pray Calvary prayer partners that on Saturday it will be a good meeting and that God be front, center and orchestrate this day. In Jesus name I pray God will speak to me and through me. Pray for John's heart that his faith will be restored in Jesus. Thank you. G...

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Daily Prayer Requests

I need to find a new childcare facility asap. Childcare just gave notice. Please pray for me trust the Lord that it will be the hours, right location and amount I can afford. That I be in his perfect peace. I am stressing about this. I am a single mom and might have to quit my job that I have worked so hard to get where I am at. Update on my dad (major heart attac...

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Daily Prayer Requests

After our meeting with the SSI judge, nothing has been resolved. They need to send us the evidence they have, because they failed to send it to us earlier. They will be rescheduling for either June or September. Please continue to pray for the peace through this. Pray for a family that has pink eye spread like wild fire in their family of 7, which includes 7 month...

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Daily Prayer Requests

Please pray for a woman in our church family who is going through a season of change in her life. Pray for anxieties and fears and worry to be replaced with hope and faith and the peace that surpasses all. Please pray for our daughter in law's good friend who found out she has terminal cancer. Pray for the friend that if she doesn't know Jesus she finds Him now!! ...

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